A couple of months back when i was in India, i was surfing through some TV channels one morning and came across a program on numerology. People were telling their problems in life to the numerologist who inturn assigns a number to each alphabet in the name, then sums up the digits to reach a single digit and finally compares it against the date of birth and voila - he finds out the reason why the person has so much trouble in life. Then he suggested a change in name by adding an extra alphabet or an extra initial in some cases!!!. I have a question here - names like Karthik, naresh or vinay are 100% pure Indian names but then you calculate the weightage for these names using english alphabets - how is this possible? How did our ancestors survive with their name before the Brits came to India?
One more thing that the numerologist asked the person was to write the name X times (Something like 103 times) every day morning for y number of days - The numerologist forgot to say whether it should be before breakfast or after breakfast!!! How in hell will this help? The person is still the same, he is going to be called with the same name but writing his name down with an extra alphabet is going to erase all his problems in life...
Another scam is the lucky stones one...all the stones that were supposed to be used jus for ornamental purpose have become lucky stones!!! Nowadays you see some people with lucky stones on all 20 fingers.
Astrologers are supposed to predict your future using the position of planets. A Pythagoras' theorem can be approached in n number of ways but the end result is always the same. I expect the same with astrology - who ever is the astrologer you should get the same results but you do not. Nowadays you go to an astrologer and you find n number of troubles awaiting you and all this can be nullified by doing some pujas.
I am not sure if all the above methods solved any problem but they have helped the numerologist and the astrologers to become rich
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