Thursday, 21 February 2008

Everything has a reason!!!

There are times when you feel the worst thing possible has happened to you but hold on friends - let the moment pass through and wait for some days. After a reasonable amount of time, sit back and look at the things that happened - you will for sure see somethings good even in the worst scenario.

I sailed through one such rough patch and at the end of it , when i look back, i am happy that it happened. It was a tough time for a short duration but for sure it saved me from a lot of things in the long run. It was a decision that i had taken in haste and now when i look at what i had done, i feel really stupid. In addition, the tough time helped me to understand somethings about my friends and more about my parents that i failed to notice for the last couple of years...
2 much funda for a day!!!

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